Riced Out Yugo
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Ghentrification texhno
ALLCAPZ - duh. simple. conveys a more aggressive and or satirical tone. this should be obvious to anyone that uses the internet. ALLFAPZ - duh. simple. conveys a more aggressive and or erectirical tone. this should be obvious to anyone that uses the internet. ALLNAPZ - duh. simple. conveys a more aggressive and or napirical tone. this should be obvious to anyone that uses the internet. ALLJAPZ - duh. simple. conveys a more aggressive and or eastirical tone. this should be obvious to anyone that uses the internet. ALLZAPZ - duh. simple. conveys a more aggressive and or zaptirical tone. this should be obvious to anyone that uses the internet.
Posted by shitbowl @ 2013-11-30 03:24:57
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At 2013-12-01 02:21:58, RTQP [website] scribbled the following:

ALLHAPZ atonce time does not exist

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