Riced Out Yugo
drain vs. the drain
electricity is like water and ground is gravity, the drain. current drain. now imagine a drain that branches out and drains into two separate drains. current drains. should the water encounter ~resistance~, a.k.a. "a clog," then the water will back up, and eventually the excess all goes to the alternate branch. should we increase the water pressure (voltage), we can force a greater volume of current through the clogged current drain, but that also means even more water will flow through the unclogged current drain. in our next lesson, we will discuss capacitance (toilet reservoirs).
Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2013-07-22 00:25:45
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  • stank
  • stank
  • stank
Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2013-07-19 23:53:28
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Posted by wolf530 (analog hacker extraordinaire) @ 2013-07-15 03:41:33
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How do you do
Well... it's come to this: I won't stand for this half rate malarky from the likes of such a prestigious organisation. Some might say standards have slipped but let me tell you standards have not just improved but they have evolved into space faring otters. You think this is a fucking joke? space faring otters you heard me right. You realise how many dams fucked their dams? Wait no is that beavers... no I just did an internet search for wet beavers it's definitely not that.

Brrrr, so many brs.... you know how myspace recently modernised their cuntinterface, so no HTML anymore... that's great for the modernised luser but what about teh hax, a thousand million myspace pages ruined. Google decides blink no longer economically viable. Memes now legally have impact font in all countries. Geocities installs mandatory like bars. Riced Out Yugo installs share on G+ buttons. OH GOD, OH JESUS, THE FUTURE... THE TERRIBLE DYSTOPIAN FUTURE... oh wait actually it might be alright. I mean look at all the homos, the blacks... they have rights these days so we're moving forwards.
Posted by Mahjong The Wisest @ 2013-07-13 03:45:05
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message ham
message ham is special ham invent by me. ham come via mail order delivery to recipient of special surprise. mystery ham!!

when ham is bake, cook, eat, hidden message revealed inside ham. message predetermined by you. so many possibilities!!

impress a boss. propose marriage. impress clients. win friends. with message ham. message ham!!
Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2013-07-11 02:22:19
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We got a new tobongo weederpipe today. It's not allowed to be nicknamed the Devastator, even though it is fairly devastating.
Posted by ...my name. is. THE PLAGUE @ 2013-07-07 05:16:05
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car monkey

special thanks to mitch kapor for making this promotion possible.
Posted by RICED OUT MARKETING @ 2013-07-04 07:45:23
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deuterium roll-ups
DO    OOO  U     U            EEE    AAAAA     H    H     OO    W        W      
     O   O  U    U           E       A    A     H    H   O  O  W          W     
Y   Y O   O U    U          E         A   AA    H HH H  O    O W    W      W    
 Y  Y O   O U    U  DDDD     E     E   AAAA A   HH  HH  O    O W    W      W    
  YY  O   O U    U      DDD   EEEEE     A    A  H    H  O    O W    W      W    
   Y  O   O U    U   I     DD     E      A   A  H    H   O  O   W  W W     W    
    Y  OOO  U    U  I I      D   E     E A   A H    H     OO     WW   W   W     
           U   UU    I        D  E     E A   A         AAA             WWW      
 HAVE       UUU    Y   I       D  E   E        IIIII  A   A M MMM MMM           
   A   N            Y   I       D  EEE   RRRR    I     AAAA  M   M   M   ON     
  A A   N NNN   Y    Y  I   DDDDD       R    R   I    A   A  M   M   M          
 A   A  NN   N   Y   Y   I D    D  LLL  R    R IIIII  A   A  M   M   M M THE    
 AAAAA  N    N   Y  YY   I D    D L   L  R  R          AAA A M   M    M         
 A   A  N    N    YY Y   I D   DD L   L   R RRR                                 
A     A N     N      Y      DDD D L   L    R   RRR    N       EEE  N NN   TTTTT 
                   YY             L   L  A  R         N   T  E   E NN  N    T   
FUCKING                U     U   L   L  A A  R     N  N   T  EEEE  N   N    T   
                 PPP  U      U  L      A   A    I  NN N TTTTTE     N   N        
 P PPP    OOO   P   P U      U  L     A   AA   I I N NN   T   EEE          ???  
  P   P  O   O  P   P U      U  L     AAAA  A   I  N  N   T         EEE   ?   ? 
  P   P O     o  PPP  U      U L      A     A      N  N   T  R RR  E   E    ??  
  PP  P O     O  P     U     U L      A      A  I     N   T  RR  R EEEE     ?   
  P PP   O   O   P     UU   U  L   LL           I          T R     E            
 P        OOO    P    U  UUU    LLL  LLL        II           R      EEE     ?   
Posted by Atomdrache @ 2013-06-26 06:22:20
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We expect legendary performance from H A I_R We expect legendary performance from H A I_R We feel today is the better start to join up while Locks are dirt cheap trading next to the lower and performing. Tresses are getting very popular on the street. We suggest something important is developing shortly possibly at these low levels, the possible earnings might be Massive short-term as H A I_R's development constantly on unroll. Biostem U.S. might see some Super Momentum tomorrow and Monday on the base spike right here consider getting be equipped We expect legendary performance from H A I_R We expect legendary performance from H A I_R For this simple fact we all SuperExcited since it allows us to signal H A I_R for our brokers right since it's begins to spike up again short-run. Biostem Corp lately announced attractive updates. We expect legendary performance from H A I_R We expect legendary performance from H A I_R We expect legendary performance from H A I_R We expect legendary performance from H A I_R As promotion increasing and buyer knowledge gonna go asplode we presume
Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2013-06-14 16:35:00
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Dylan is an 11 year old boy. Dylan
enjoys watching the sunset and
walking on the beack. His hobbys are
playing hockey and wonderful
baseball. When he is not playing
hockey or baseball he is playing
video games.

Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2013-06-13 06:36:46
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wingman bluescreen
strudelZacket-_.~=strudelZacket-_.~=strudelZacket-_.~=strudelZacket-_.~=strudelZacket-_.~=kerpludge vamosedaclaptiorio navigable vorintrepid please hold your stilts for corn, timex indiglo bleeps on the hour; sneez titch crutch christ got the grill barbie lesbian mummy. teez narivinsky dought notewrite kerminsky and the hacker of computer double buckey shanghai, where all the computation happens in a geodesic dome of style. christ, man, do i have to do all the talking? sorry babe, i dunno what's up with this guy. next round's on me. christ is he spacing out
Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2013-06-08 02:44:22
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To see if the Riced Out Yugo will amend Chapter 420 of the Code of the Riced Out Yugo, the Zoning Bylaw, by including a definition of and instituting a temporary moratorium on the use of land or structures for a Medical Marijiana Treatment Center, said moratorium to expire no later than April 20, 2014, or act in any other manner in relation thereto.
(Inserted by the Board of Wat)

DESCRIPTION: This article will impose a temporary moratorium on locating Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers (MMTCs) in the Yugo. The recently adopted regulations of the Internet Department of Dank implementing Chapter 424 of the Acts of 1967, "An Act for the Humanitarian Medical Use Of What Was I Saying Again" allow for "local oversight and regulations, including fee requirements," but do not allow a web site to prohibit MMTCs. The moratorium will provide a defined period of time for the Yugo to clear the wild cannabis plants off the plots of land designated for dispensaries.

And you are directed to serve this Yugo Post not less than fourteen days at least before the time of said meeting, as provided in the Bylaws of the Yugo.

Hereof fail not and make due return of this Yugo Post, with your doings thereon, to the Yugo Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting.

Given under our hands this 2nd day of June 2013.

A true copy, Attest:

Reverent Tedward Q. Porktanker, Chief Secretary of Wat of The Yugo
Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2013-06-02 15:41:01
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welcome to my motherfucking moon base. this is my motherfucking moon base. it is a series of domes, and tubes, and underground polygons also connected by tubes. some of the tubes cycle through rainbow lighting patterns. here is my moon pool. it is my motherfucking moon pool. you should see how motherfucking flippers work on the motherfucking moon with motherfucking low gravity, fuck
Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2013-05-30 06:37:45
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fine feni fnien fnien fnifn,fnflenfnfkefn
. . . s;l
The Mayor of Ertgfghjkkllkjhghytre

Posted by wolf530 (analog hacker extraordinaire) @ 2013-05-30 04:16:55
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into the meat finder
Posted by wolf530 (analog hacker extraordinaire) @ 2013-05-30 04:07:54
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Posted by Pet'ctlyptem Xon Yihaa'qti WchwaaXaan @ 2013-05-24 19:20:18
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ROY plots to beat James Cameron
Posted by Mahjong The Wisest @ 2013-05-22 16:21:03
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my 14yo schizophrenic nephew wrote this
Sometimes it can be Corrupt the Cutie, where via Pygmalion Plot or Wife Husbandry, the girl in question breaks it by herself. Frequently a part of a character crossing the Despair Event Horizon. Also, this is frequently part of the backstory of the Broken Bird, and instrumental in the Freudian Excuse of a villain who Used to Be a Sweet Kid. Compare Fragile Flower and Wide-Eyed Idealist.
Posted by Reverend Tedward Q. Porktanker @ 2013-05-22 04:21:36
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Courtesy of Travis Smalley
Posted by Pet'ctlyptem Xon Yihaa'qti WchwaaXaan @ 2013-05-21 05:34:32
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Posted by ...my name. is. THE PLAGUE @ 2013-05-18 05:33:19
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